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Black Army officer: Anger with Trump’s NFL remarks doesn’t justify #takeaknee

By Jeremy Hunt, Fox News Our country once again finds itself in the middle of a heated debate drawn largely along racial lines. President Trump, calling any NFL player who protests during the national anthem a “son of a bitch” met with widespread opposition over the weekend from professional athletes across the country, many of whom demonstrated their opposition by…

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DLI is a signatory for the Justice Declaration

DLI is please to be a signatory along with many other outstanding organizations.  Taken from a recent email.. “Mr. Nelson, I want to start by thanking you for joining Prison Fellowship, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the Charles Colson Center for Christian Worldview, the National Association of Evangelicals, and many other faith leaders across the country in the Justice…

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Great Success at the National Briefing in DC

 We did it! Last week, we successfully gathered over 400 ministry leaders in Washington DC as part of Family Research Council’s National Pastors’ Briefing. Challenged and equipped to better serve their congregations and transform their communities, these men and women of God are poised to help change the culture. The Douglass Leadership Institute helped make the FRC event a huge…

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