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Endorsements for the Jeremiah 1:5 Project

Bishop Vincent Matthews

Evangelist Lesley Monet

COGIC Abortion Resolution


3 Life-Affirming Keys Found in Jeremiah 1:5:

1) We see the PURVIEW of God (God sees and knows us in the womb).
2) God acknowledges PERSONHOOD even in the womb (pre-born lives matters).
3) God assigns PURPOSE in the womb (we are called to do something special).


The goals of this project are to increase awareness of abortion and its impact on the black community, to decrease the favorability of abortion, to reduce the number of abortion providers and the number of abortions in the black community.


To build on our success with the Church of God in Christ, which recently passed a historic resolution affirming the sanctity of life, we expect to secure signatures from at least 250 black pastors affirming the dignity and value of all human life regardless of gestational age. We expect these pastors to commit to pray, preach, and teach the sanctity of human life from the pulpit, and to invite their pastoral peers to do likewise.


1) PRAY: For an end to abortion and that our goals and expectations are achieved.
2) PREACH: That Life comes from God, it is precious and should be protected.
3) PROMOTE: The Jeremiah 1:5 Project by recruiting 3 other pastors to join us.

Join the Douglass Leadership Institute’s Jeremiah 1:5 Project