Press Statement Supporting An Override of Cooper’s Veto

A Diverse Coalition of Faith Based Clergy Members led by the Douglass Leadership Institute Ask North Carolina’s Legislators to override Governor Cooper’s Veto

The Douglass Leadership Institute and its network of minority clergy members from across the state are urging the North Carolina General Assembly to override the veto issued by Governor Roy Cooper.
The Governor’s veto is a passive endorsement of infanticide and is remarkably similar to the words of disgraced Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia. Northam declared in his controversial radio interview that he would support a practice that would allow a child to die on a delivery table by denying the newborn needed health services “while making the child comfortable.” This is infanticide and it is clearly wrong.
Children can and do survive abortions. Now-grown abortion survivors like Gian Jessen, Melissa Ohden, Josiah Presley and Claire Culwell have lived to tell their stories of being rescued after abortion attempts on their lives. Likewise, abortionists like Cesare Santangelo have admitted when—not if—children survive their abortion attempts, they are not rescued. “That’s happened before, to tell you the truth.” Santangelo admits. Governor Cooper’s veto of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act callously ignores the existence of these survivors and serves as a nod of approval to Mr. Northam’s position.
According to DLI’s Chairmen, Rev. Dean Nelson, “Cooper’s veto will potentially result in real loss of life. For this reason, I urge the state House and state Senate to follow the lead of State Representatives Garland Pierce (D-Scotland County) and Charles Graham (D-Robeson County) who have resisted the whims of partisanship to put the needs of North Carolina’s women and families first. I commend Representatives Pierce and Graham and pledge our support now and in 2020 to any elected official that protect newborn children from infanticide and women from the medical harm at unregulated practices that have too often ended in tragedy.”
North Carolina’s women and children deserve to be rescued and cared for when faced with these horrific possibilities. We urge our state legislators to put aside partisanship and support legislation that will promote liberty and life for all in North Carolina

About the Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI)- DLI is a national grassroots education and public policy 501(c)(3) organization with representatives and groups across the United States. DLI’s philosophy is based upon righteousness, justice, liberty and virtue. For more information visit,

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