DLI is a signatory for the Justice Declaration

DLI is please to be a signatory along with many other outstanding organizations.  Taken from a recent email..

“Mr. Nelson,
I want to start by thanking you for joining Prison Fellowship, the Ethics
and Religious Liberty Commission, the Charles Colson Center for Christian
Worldview, the National Association of Evangelicals, and many other faith
leaders across the country in the Justice Declaration. We hope that this
framework of biblical values will awaken and mobilize Christians across
the country to advocate for restorative justice reform and respond to the
needs of victims, individuals responsible for crime, and impacted families
and communities. It is an honor that you would be willing to partner with
us as we seek a justice system that is founded on Biblical principles….”

Please find a list of the signatories here.

If you would like to share the Justice Declaration toolkit via social media, please click here.

To learn more about the Justice Declaration visit their website


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