Douglass Leadership Institute keeps the “Tide” rolling

Douglass Leadership Institute keeps the “Tide” rolling.

DLI follows up first successful training in Springfield, VA with another one in Hampton.

Hampton, VA – October 28, 2015

DLI had an overflow request for training in Virginia and launches a back to back training seminar this weekend in Hampton. DLI is a new 501c(3) organization launched this year with the express purpose of educating, equipping and empowering faith-based leaders to embrace and apply biblical principles to life and in the marketplace.

Thomas Smith, a Frederick Douglass Foundation Chapter President traveled from Missouri to attend last week’s training.  “It was inspiring to hear from national leaders like Stephen McDowell and others.  They really taught us on what it means to organize a community. I was so inspired that I plan to stay and attend the next training this weekend.”

Dean Nelson is leading is DLI’s first initiative – Turning the Tide.  DLI is beginning with training and preparation of their staff and team of volunteers in 2015.  In 2016, look for DLI to make their mark in eight states (FL, VA, NC, MI, PA,, OH, GA and MO) via community forums focused on the Black Family, Criminal Justice Reform and Economic Opportunity.  More can be found on their Facebook page


Regina Roundtree

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