New organization translates Frederick Douglass’ values into grassroots training

New organization translates Frederick Douglass’ values into grassroots training.

Douglass Leadership Institute launches its first training seminar.

Springfield, VA – October 22, 2015

Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI) is a new 501c(3) organization launched this year with the express purpose of educating, equipping and empowering faith-based leaders to embrace and apply biblical principles to life and in the marketplace..

With a “soft launch” at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington DC, DLI has begun heavy recruiting and gathered a group of committed volunteers to attend their first grassroots training in Springfield, VA this weekend for a three-day training.  Attendees will learn about the philosophy and work of Frederick Douglass as well as how to translate those values into outreach principles that uplift the urban community.

When asked why he decided to launch this organization now, Rev. Dean Nelson CEO of DLI and co-founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation (FDF) stated that before he joined with the other co-founders of FDF (Tim Johnson who died suddenly in early 2015 and Troy Rollings) he had been working on the Douglass Leadership Lecture Series for almost three years.  “As I traveled around the country, I saw the tremendous need to support the faith community by equipping them to put their values into actions, especially at the local level. Through a series of events, God opened the door for the support we needed to empower people to speak for their communities. ”  Nelson said.

Look for DLI to make their mark in eight states (FL, VA, NC, MI, PA,, OH, GA and MO)  this upcoming year through their first initiative Turning The Tide via community forums focused on the Black Family, Criminal Justice Reform and Economic Opportunity.  More can be found on their Facebook page


Regina Roundtree

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