Organization inspired by Frederick Douglass will attend the Carolina Values Summit

Dean Nelson, Chairman of the Douglass Leadership Institute, has a few questions for the 2016 Presidential Candidates.

Rock Hill, SC – February 11, 2016

Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI) is a new 501c(3) organization launched in 2015 with the express purpose of educating, equipping and empowering faith-based leaders to embrace and apply biblical principles to life and in the marketplace.

With a ‘soft launch’ at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington DC, this past September, DLI makes a bolder move with appearing on stage to ask questions of this year’s Presidential Candidates at the Carolina Values Summit. The forum is design to  “have a conversation with the 2016 Presidential candidates on key issues facing urban America…”  Rev. Dean Nelson, Chairman of DLI, will participate on stage with questions for the candidates.

“DLI is a values-based leadership organization that works in the community,” said Kevrick McKain, Chief of National Programs,  “anytime we are given the opportunity to shed light on important issues we will take it.”

Included in the Summit is an award ceremony.  Rev. Nelson, along with Bishop Harry Jackson and others, will be presenting an award to the King Family Foundation in honor of their work on racial reconciliation.  Dr. Alveda King will be accepting the award on behalf of the Foundation.

Look for DLI to make their mark in eight states (FL, VA, NC, MI, PA,, OH, GA and MO)  this upcoming year through their first initiative Turning The Tide via community forums focused on the Black Family, Criminal Justice Reform and Economic Opportunity.  More can be found on their Facebook page and their website


Regina Roundtree



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