By now, you are aware of the success the Douglass Leadership Institute had this year through our Turning the Tide Initiative. Of the three important community programs that DLI held in several states, Strengthening the Black Family hit home the hardest. Whether it is the shocking 72% non-marital births statistic or the 35% of abortions performed on black women, those…
By Jeremy Hunt – Published November 19, 2016 – My father grew up in Atlanta during the late 60s and 70s surrounded by fellow blacks. From elementary school to Howard University, where he obtained his undergraduate and law degrees—everyone looked like him. His childhood room boasted a giant black power fist on the wall in the Pan-African colors of red, black,…
Reprinted from the Washington Post Focusing on small slights obscures the bigger issues in African American communities. by JeremyHunt “Hunt isn’t one of us.” Rico, a black friend of mine, said those words about me behind my back. To him, I wasn’t authentically black. I grew up in too nice of a neighborhood around too many white people. My family was…

“Training to Win – Life is Precious” (John 10:10) Peoples Church Uptown, Cincinnati, OH 1-19-2020 Listen here

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Commemorating Juneteenth and the values of Frederick Douglass this Saturday. Douglass Leadership Institute hosts a forum on Strengthening the Black Family. Orlando, FL – June 16, 2016 The famous abolitionist, Frederick Douglass is quoted as saying: “It is easier to build strong children, than to repair broken men.” “This is one of my favorite quotes by Frederick…

Douglass Leadership Institute(DLI) hopes to ‘turn the tide’ against challenges facing the black community by bringing together area leaders to discuss challenges and solutions that are facing the black family. Hampton, VA – March 15, 2016 DLI is a new 501c(3) organization launched this year with the express purpose of educating, equipping and empowering faith-based leaders to embrace and apply…