A Letter from the Chairman: This Year has been….UNBELIEVABLE!


That is the best word to describe the Douglass Leadership Institute’s staff as we reflect on the success of our ‘Turning the Tide’ initiative, which exceeded all our expectations.  From the 2,000 people who joined us in Woodbridge, Virginia to hear Rev. Bernice King, to appearances on Fox and Friends, these accomplishments would have been impossible without the sacrificial support of our incredible partners. It has truly been a remarkable year!

Through media appearances and over thirty free community forums in strategic cities, DLI has been able to draw national attention to failed government policies that have contributed to the horrific breakdown of vulnerable families. Our “Strengthening the Black Family” forums offered community-based solutions that pastors and local leaders can implement immediately to begin reversing these destructive trends.


“I thank God for DLI. My eyes have been opened to the real problems in our communities. I had no idea that we had been targeted with this stuff. We have to do a better job of informing our people and electing the right leaders to office,” said one urban pastor.

Because of your support, this leader and so many others like him, have been empowered to bring real change to their communities.

In the fall, DLI staff went door-to-door in the battleground states of North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida to continue our initiative by distributing non-partisan, faith-based voter guides.  The materials provided detailed information about the policy positions of both state and federal candidates. We engaged and mobilized hundreds of churches and volunteers to distribute over 1.5 million guides. This was a monumental undertaking that cost over $100,000 and required thousands of travel miles and man hours.


The Douglass Leadership Institute’s vision is to see prosperous, flourishing communities transformed by a message of both righteousness and justice. We have been overwhelmed by what God has already done, but we cannot continue without your ongoing support.

Decide now to make a year-end contribution to the Douglass Leadership Institute of $25; $50; $500 or $1000. All contributions are tax-deductible.  Click here to give online or mail check to DLI, PO Box 1559 Greenbelt, MD 20768

Living for Him,

Rev. Dean Nelson, Chairman
Douglass Leadership Institute
Frederick Douglass Foundation


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